Welcome to the all encompassing how-to for building a successful roofing company in 2024

Click below for step-by-step instructions on starting your roofing company, articles specific to the residential roofing industry, and a general blog offering tips and general knowledge to insure your success.

Make today the start of your ultimate prosperity and a lifetime of security

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So, who am I, and why should you trust my advice?

As a young man working in the chemical plants, 12 hours per day 7 days a week, it quickly became apparent plant life was not for me.

I needed something I enjoyed but also could make a good living at, and without destroying by body by 50. A friend of a friend offered me a position “selling roofs”. At the time the only definitive information I possessed about roofing was that shingles were involved.

Inside of one year I was the top salesman in the company (sales team of about 20 guys) and loving what I was doing, not to mention making more money a week than I made in a month at my old job. After a couple years as a salesman I was promoted to sales manager along with handling marketing in addition to it’s content for potential customers.

A couple of years later it was time to start making some changes, and I began helping former coworkers start their own companies. This was the time I learned the vast majority of the business building side; things like establishing standard operating procedures for salesmen’s’ workflow, negotiation of labor agreements, establishing relationships with material suppliers, and so on. After a few years of building businesses for others I finally decided I would open my own company. Having spent so much time in the business of building businesses, I was fairly quick to have it established and operational inside of a month, and profitable within 2 months.

Now, after having sold my businesses, I focus my time and effort on consulting existing roofing companies and mentor those new to the business entirely. Follow my advice and put to practice my methods, and I promise you will have a constant source of a respectable income while at the same time enjoying the freedom that comes with it.

Your next step to freedom is just a click away to the next article below: